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Debbie Dawson - Outstanding Service Award

For exceptional performance of her duties as the Independent Assessment Team Manager of the Quality Management team supporting the National Nuclear Security Administration (NNSA) Office of Management and Budget (NA-MB), Business Services (NA-MB-20), Ms. Deborah Dawson is presented this Outstanding Service Award.

Ms. Dawson led the Independent Assessment Team throughout the entire Management System Assessment process charged with assessing and auditing the Office of Defense Nuclear Security (NA-70). In carrying out her duties, Ms. Dawson flawlessly planned and executed all activities according to the distinct Management System Assessment phases of preparation, execution, close out, and corrective and preventative actions. Working closely with the Quality Management Director, Ms. Dawson ensured that Management System Assessment findings were tabulated consistently and meaningfully so trends can be analyzed over time to illuminate areas for NNSA-wide continuous management improvement. She provided substantive and valuable suggestions and recommendations for improvement and corrective actions to fix Program Office weaknesses or deficiencies. Ms. Dawson and her team garnered high praise for their performance during the Management System Assessment by Mr. Raeford Phifer, Manager of the Security Management Improvement Program. Mr. Phifer sent a note to Mr. Frank Lowery, Associate Administrator for Management and Budget and Mr. Andrew Hood, Quality Management Director with the following praise:

“This team’s support to the overall mission, consistency in exemplary leadership, fully committed to carrying out its every single provision, is what defines a true professional. I was enthusiastically impressed big time with the team’s well-established protocols, formality, briefings, scheduling, interactions, flexibility, feedback, and more. In my 21 years with DOE/NNSA, this review is probably one of the best tools to really provide value for organizational improvement. I attribute the MSA continued success to the leadership and individual team members commitment to making NNSA the best place to work. Please pass along my sincere appreciation to the following team members: Debbie Dawson, Paul Bartak, and Lia Moore.”

Ms. Dawson’s leadership, judgement, initiative, and commitment to excellence were in keeping with the highest traditions and standards of Cogent Security Consulting and Innovative Technology Partnerships.

Given this 17th Day of March 2023 Link to Official Document

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